Friday, January 18, 2008

It's too risky....

I use to have a scarcity mentality (and i still do but not much as before). When i graduated from my job years ago, i thought i would have a hard time getting a job. There was several reasons: I wasn't experience enough, average university results and all the good jobs are taken.

But the real problem was not the above. The real problem i had was my attitude. I had a scarcity mentality. I thought that nobody would hire me. And it was true, i didn't get hired until 3-4 months after graduating. Things turned around when i didn't care if i had a job or not.

Have you ever seen some of your friends or, someone that you know that are not smarter than you but has surpassed you in terms of achievement, or have done great things in their lives? What's the real reason? I think it's because of their ATTITUDE!

We all know a lot of rich or successful people have average intelligence but the big difference between Us and Them are their attitude.

So here's an exercise for you: Whenever you think that it's too risky or too hard, try to think the opposite. You never know what might happen.



1 comment:

ninja0 said...

That was very insightful! Thanks for sharing your insight