Thursday, January 17, 2008

Be sucessful now!

What i have notice lately about successful people is that they:

- Rarely complain/bitch about life and their situation
- Not concerned on what other people think
- They are doers rather than procrastinators. When they feel they have an opportunity on something they quickly jump on it and if they make a mistake they don't take it personally and move on.
- They start on a crazy project that everybody else think it will never work and laugh at him/her mistakes. But when they succeed, we usually ask ourselves why we didn't do the same thing in the first place.

Ok, so here's this thing, if you procrastinate, lazy, bitch about other people and your current life and don't take risks then you're probably an unsuccessful person.

Do what successful people do, take calculated risks, don't care what other people think and just do it.

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