Monday, January 21, 2008

4 Reasons Why Resolutions Don't Work (Part 1)

Hi all!

Lately i'm been a very bad boy! I've been very lazy.

This weekend, I read a few things i needed to do but have not committed to any certain tasks to achieve my goals for this year. What i usually say to myself when committing to a task are:

1. "I can/might do this later...."
2. "This is too hard.."
3. "I need to do something else first. eg have a shower, brush my teeth, watch my favourite TV show, blah, blah..."
4. "I'm too tired.."

Basically, I need to stop making excuses. Even though you make mistakes, you need to keep going no matter what. That's how you learn.

Remember the first time you rode your first bicycle? During the first few tries you going to fall down and sometimes you will get a few bruises. But once you get a hang of it, it will seem natural. The first step is always the hardest.

That reminds me of New Year Resolutions. I remember why last years new year resolutions didn't work properly. One of the resolutions i had was to quit my job and find better work and make a million dollars by the end of the year.

The problem with the new year resolution was that there was no specific goals at all. Let's have a look at it closely:

I said i promise to quit my job, which i did by the way didn't do but i found a better part time job but overall, not that satisfying. The problem was too vague, focused on the negative stuff and therefore no set target to achieve. For example, what kind of new job do you want? Do you want a new job but in a different field of work?

To be continued....part 2

4 Reasons Why Resolutions Don't Work (Part 2)

continued from part 1:

Ok, now the other resolution - to make a million dollars. There was a huge problem, it was unrealistic. My brain thought it was so unrealistic that my brain thought that i was full of shit. What you believe becomes reality. I didn't believe it and therefore i am still in the same shit as before.

So here's my solution: To make a commitment to my goals. No excuses are allowed. Just fucking do it. FULL STOP. No wonder girls complain about guys being committed.

To do this, i need to create a specific goal. If you want to shoot a missile guided bomb at a building site accurately 100km away and and avoid innocent casualties you to need to input accurate co-ordinates. You can't just say it's around the building that has yellow pokadots and looks like a dildo. It has to be very specific and within a time frame. It also need to be written down on a blog like this or a piece of paper so your brain can remember.

I had given this advice to one of my friend last year. To my surprise, nearly all the goals he achieved actually happened!

The thing about me is that i gave advice but i usually don't follow my own advice. I wasn't 100% committed!

So here are my goals for this year:

I will create 10 niche web sites this year. With each niche i would create or outsource 120 quality articles for each niche to be included on my web sites or distributed out to main article web resources so that it would allow to increase my web page traffic. It will allow me make at least $80,000 by the end of the year mainly through adsense and some through other campaigns. I would have to tough it out. I would not make any excuses from preventing me from doing this. I have to keep focus and not to stray away from my goal. If i do, then i would fail. I will be 100% committed!

Shit this is a long post.

Ok, I'm fucking off. Have a nice day.
