Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How to Build Courage

A few days ago, one of my friends did one of the most uncomfortable thing he done in his life. I was proud of him. I'm not going to discuss it here to protect his privacy.

What he did was that he was planning to do that 'thing' within a month time. I was surprised that he did it a few days instead of a month or worse, never. If he acted later, he would had more sleepless nights, more worry and eventually his emotional state would negatively impact on other people as well.

He was courageous and just did it. When you become courageous, you automatically become confident.

You don't get courage from sitting on your ass all day, contemplating on how and why you should do it. He just did it. Full stop.

He picked the one thing that was the most uncomfortable and did that first. Not only did it kill off any procrastination, it built up his courage. Action cures fear. Even though it was painful for him to do it initially but it lifted up a huge weight off his shoulder.

So if you want to build up a courage, do the most uncomfortable thing first and don't hesitate - like the nike logo says - Just Do It.

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