Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Changing People - Don't Try It! It's Not Worth The Effort.

Have you ever try to change someone? Perhaps it's a very close friend of yours or someone that you really like?

I've tried it and it seems to either backfire or requires too much effort. Sure, you can change someone but the amount of physical and mental energy can drain you. If your friend is really negative, the negativity of that person will suck all the positive energy that you have. Eventually, your friend negativity has influence you so much that you will BECOME like your negative friend.

Have you ever notice any of your good, positive friends back in high school mixed up with the wrong crowd? Then years later you would see them living on the dole and all drugged up. The reason they were like that because they had were easily influenced by that group of negative people.

This reminds me of the crab in a bucket story. If you try to put one crab in a bucket, the crab will easily get out. But if you put more than two crabs in a bucket, the other crab that tries to get out will be pulled down by the other crab. Making it nearly impossible for both crabs to get out.

However, if you're a strong person and minimally affected by your friend negative energy, the amount of change of the person would not be great. The return in investment is not worth the time spent.

You can change hairstyles, you can change clothes, you can change careers easily, but it's fucking nearly impossible to change a person.

Instead, the best way to influence a person is to lead by example. Lead a positive lifestyle and try not to change people. You can change people, only when they admit they have a problem or they see how well you're doing and they want to copy it.

In my opinion, the best way to change yourself are to lead a positive lifestyle and to have a positive role model/mentor (it can be a someone famous, or somebody close to you) and to keep on doing different things.

Inertia - How To Apply It In Your Life

Hi everyone,

I'm sorry to disappoint you again but i haven't yet produce my niche website yet. The positive news is that i have produce six articles for my site. I still require a lot more, but it's a start.

So that brings us to the theory of inertia. If we keep on staying or doing the same thing everyday it is very hard for us to move. It requires too much effort and if we do initiate something we just get bored easily and quit early.

Newton's First Law of Motion states that:

"An object will stay at rest or continue at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force".

If you're a person that is focused, gets things done straightaway and move on to the next thing immediately, you're doing things at such a face pace that it will be hard for anyone to try to stop you. This is a frame of mind i should aim for. Try to build up momentum and don't let it slow you down.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Very Last Lecture of a Dying Professor

This is an inspirational video about a professor with terminal cancer.

Randy Pausch, a Computer Science Professor at Carnegie-Mellon University who was suffering from Pancreatic Cancer and died just weeks after giving his “last Lecture.”

There are several gems in this video like:

"Experience is what you get when you can't get what you what in life". This is absolutely true.

The other quote he said was, “Brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls aren’t there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to show us how badly we want things…the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough!”. A lot of people will just give up when they try to achieve something and yet is they push themselves just a bit further, you can overcome the obstacle.

Monday, January 21, 2008

4 Reasons Why Resolutions Don't Work (Part 1)

Hi all!

Lately i'm been a very bad boy! I've been very lazy.

This weekend, I read a few things i needed to do but have not committed to any certain tasks to achieve my goals for this year. What i usually say to myself when committing to a task are:

1. "I can/might do this later...."
2. "This is too hard.."
3. "I need to do something else first. eg have a shower, brush my teeth, watch my favourite TV show, blah, blah..."
4. "I'm too tired.."

Basically, I need to stop making excuses. Even though you make mistakes, you need to keep going no matter what. That's how you learn.

Remember the first time you rode your first bicycle? During the first few tries you going to fall down and sometimes you will get a few bruises. But once you get a hang of it, it will seem natural. The first step is always the hardest.

That reminds me of New Year Resolutions. I remember why last years new year resolutions didn't work properly. One of the resolutions i had was to quit my job and find better work and make a million dollars by the end of the year.

The problem with the new year resolution was that there was no specific goals at all. Let's have a look at it closely:

I said i promise to quit my job, which i did by the way didn't do but i found a better part time job but overall, not that satisfying. The problem was too vague, focused on the negative stuff and therefore no set target to achieve. For example, what kind of new job do you want? Do you want a new job but in a different field of work?

To be continued....part 2

4 Reasons Why Resolutions Don't Work (Part 2)

continued from part 1:

Ok, now the other resolution - to make a million dollars. There was a huge problem, it was unrealistic. My brain thought it was so unrealistic that my brain thought that i was full of shit. What you believe becomes reality. I didn't believe it and therefore i am still in the same shit as before.

So here's my solution: To make a commitment to my goals. No excuses are allowed. Just fucking do it. FULL STOP. No wonder girls complain about guys being committed.

To do this, i need to create a specific goal. If you want to shoot a missile guided bomb at a building site accurately 100km away and and avoid innocent casualties you to need to input accurate co-ordinates. You can't just say it's around the building that has yellow pokadots and looks like a dildo. It has to be very specific and within a time frame. It also need to be written down on a blog like this or a piece of paper so your brain can remember.

I had given this advice to one of my friend last year. To my surprise, nearly all the goals he achieved actually happened!

The thing about me is that i gave advice but i usually don't follow my own advice. I wasn't 100% committed!

So here are my goals for this year:

I will create 10 niche web sites this year. With each niche i would create or outsource 120 quality articles for each niche to be included on my web sites or distributed out to main article web resources so that it would allow to increase my web page traffic. It will allow me make at least $80,000 by the end of the year mainly through adsense and some through other campaigns. I would have to tough it out. I would not make any excuses from preventing me from doing this. I have to keep focus and not to stray away from my goal. If i do, then i would fail. I will be 100% committed!

Shit this is a long post.

Ok, I'm fucking off. Have a nice day.


Friday, January 18, 2008

It's too risky....

I use to have a scarcity mentality (and i still do but not much as before). When i graduated from my job years ago, i thought i would have a hard time getting a job. There was several reasons: I wasn't experience enough, average university results and all the good jobs are taken.

But the real problem was not the above. The real problem i had was my attitude. I had a scarcity mentality. I thought that nobody would hire me. And it was true, i didn't get hired until 3-4 months after graduating. Things turned around when i didn't care if i had a job or not.

Have you ever seen some of your friends or, someone that you know that are not smarter than you but has surpassed you in terms of achievement, or have done great things in their lives? What's the real reason? I think it's because of their ATTITUDE!

We all know a lot of rich or successful people have average intelligence but the big difference between Us and Them are their attitude.

So here's an exercise for you: Whenever you think that it's too risky or too hard, try to think the opposite. You never know what might happen.



Accepted into Sydney University

Yay! I got accepted in uni. Although i didn't get accepted into my preferred course, Acturial studies, i did however got accepted into Usyd B of commerce. I seriously need a career change.

If you're not happy what you are doing, you might as well stop complaining and doing something that you like to do and not what your parents or friends wish you to do.

My plan

I've got a few plans for this year. One of my goal is to make six figure passive income by the end of this year.

Here's my plan for the next 4 weeks:

  • Learn how to build and set up my own website.
  • Learn how to program in HTML
  • Learn how to write an ad copy
  • Sell my products and learn how to split test
  • Make sure i measure metrics on all the important things
  • Try to make $100 by the end of the month online. (You have to start somewhere and you might have to aim for something reasonable)
  • Try to set aside at least two hours doing this with no distractions. That means, no surfing the net for porn, chatting on MSN, watching movies & TV and take breaks 5-10mins every hour. So focus, focus and focus.
Ok, let's start and see how it goes!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Be sucessful now!

What i have notice lately about successful people is that they:

- Rarely complain/bitch about life and their situation
- Not concerned on what other people think
- They are doers rather than procrastinators. When they feel they have an opportunity on something they quickly jump on it and if they make a mistake they don't take it personally and move on.
- They start on a crazy project that everybody else think it will never work and laugh at him/her mistakes. But when they succeed, we usually ask ourselves why we didn't do the same thing in the first place.

Ok, so here's this thing, if you procrastinate, lazy, bitch about other people and your current life and don't take risks then you're probably an unsuccessful person.

Do what successful people do, take calculated risks, don't care what other people think and just do it.

Speaking about the meaning of life

I remember a few weeks ago, one of friend was talking about one of his friend that i know.
Now, this friend of his was talking about the meaning of life. What is the meaning of life?

When i notice someone is talking about the meaning of life, i knew exactly why they asked that question. That is, their life is shit! They want to change it because they're not happy in their currently situation. I realized that after i looked at my last blog, i now know why i had made that comment. I remember watching Johnny Rotten on TV talking about life and he said something like, "We all knew the facts of life were, it was anything that the nuns told us not to do."

So, when my friend asked me what is the meaning of life? I answered, 'to get the fuck out of the house!'.

A few minutes later...

Because i don't want to work tomorrow and to find some other things to give me a meaning in life.

My first blog ever

Howdy Folks,

This is my first frickin blog. As the blog name suggests, this is a blog about getting what you want out of life. A few people i know are actually getting what they want out of life and i was wondering, why are they getting it and why am i writing this blog 3.30 in the morning talking about crap that nobody is going to read?

Hopefully you will find out.