Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I have reached a new low. I've gambled most of my wages away. This is disgusting. I feel really really low. I have turned into a degenerate gambler. A zombie. What have i done to myself?

This sucks. I need someone to kick my ass. I don't know why i do this to myself? I was winning big on blackjack and felt like i could last forever. Eventually the negative expectation of blackjack has caught up to me. I was stupid enough to play blackjack. I know that the house will always win. I lost a shit load of money on that.

I then went to play poker. I was up to about $1000. I played really good. I was able to read their cards and maximize my winnings. Then with one hand, everything blew apart. I had a flush on the turn and one guy had trips and another had two pair. I was way ahead on the turn. Then BANG! i repeater hit the river to fill up with full house. The lucky bastard, he had at least 20% chance to win, while i was way, way ahead. That fucking river cost me $900. I would've been up by $1300.

Fuck!!! Fuck!!!!

Need to reevaluate my life. This sucks man.

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